Lose Weight And Keep It Off

Feeling frustrated after trying every diet out there?
Learn to make simple changes to your lifestyle to 
lose weight, be more active, and get healthier!


Lose Weight And Keep It Off

Feeling frustrated after trying every diet out there?
Learn to make simple changes to your lifestyle
to lose weight, be more active, and get healthier!


FREE 5-Ingredient Healthy Recipe Guide

Get a booklet of my favorite healthy recipes that are so easy to make, incredibly delicious, and only have 5 ingredients in each!

Hey there! I am Robin!

I’m a weight loss coach, a certified personal trainer, and a group exercise instructor who has struggled with weight as an adult.

After my own 100-pound weight loss journey, I know how hard it can be for women over 35. It feels like nothing works, and it’s frustrating when you don’t see the desired results. I’m here to help you find simple solutions by changing your relationship with food and building healthier habits so you can get to a healthy weight and live your fittest lifestyle yet.


Does this sound like you?

  • You are overwhelmed with all the weight loss information out there, and you need to know the most straightforward method that will work for you.

  • You are sick of diet culture telling you to cut out foods, such as carbs, leaving you feeling deprived and hangry.

  • You are busy taking care of everyone else, and managing a career and/or your household, so you never feel like you have time to prioritize your health.

  • You try a new trend and see the results you want just for the weight to return, leaving you feeling helpless.

    If any of this resonates with you, know that you are not alone, and I am here to help!

How I Can Help


This 28-day program includes your meal plans, workouts, and a success guide packed with all the info you need to maximize your results and keep you on track.



My signature Real Results with Robin program is designed to help you build healthy habits so you can lose weight through well-balanced eating, targeted workouts, and more!


Unlimited Virtual
Fitness Classes

Live and on-demand classes, at all levels of fitness, for those who enjoy working out from the comfort of their own home, and on their own time.


Serious about reclaiming your health? If so, it is time we chat! Schedule a complimentary wellness assessment where we will discuss the struggles you are facing as well as your current nutrition and fitness habits. On the call, I will offer personalized tips and strategies to tweak your existing routines and tell you how my programs can get you to your ultimate weight loss goals. This free, no-obligation consultation is designed to start you on the right weight loss journey and helps determine which of my programs will best support your success!


Watch My Latest Training

Diets don’t work and it's not your fault. In my latest FREE training, “How to Lose Weight When Everything You’ve Tried Has Failed” I discuss why diet culture hasn't worked for you, and what you can do instead to finally kickstart your weight loss for true and lasting results.

Let's face it, after 35, the weight loss rules have changed. Your body is changing, your sleep is disrupted, you're putting on weight in places you may not have before, and the things that worked before don't anymore.

In the training I will break down why this is the time to shift your thinking about weight loss, since the "rules" for nutrition and exercise are different as your hormones shift. Click the button below to watch now!


Join My Free Community

If you are a woman looking for help to manage your weight, build a fitness routine, and stay motivated to reach your wellness goals, I invite you to join my free Fitness, Motivation & Weight Loss Support for Women 35+ group on Facebook!

This is a supportive community full of resources to aid your weight loss journey, such as nutritious recipes, lifestyle changes that are easy to implement, and health-focused educational workshops. You can also join in our accountability challenges that are designed to get you results and provide the support of other women who are on the same journey as you!


Don’t Forget to Snag Your Recipes!

Get a free booklet of my go-to 5-ingredient recipes that are healthy and delicious, sent straight to your email!!